Meaning of the Asana: Virabhadrasana Yoga (The Warrior Pose) is derived from the words Vira means hero or warrior, Bhadra means friend or auspicious and Asana means posture. It requires strength and stability. This pose is excellent for the overall vitality and strengthening of the body. This asana has its roots in mythology: Virabhadra is the name of the fierce warrior (an incarnation of Lord Shiva) having thousand heads, eyes and feet.

Technique :

  • Tadasana: Stiti: Legs together, hands by the side of the body, spread toes press it on the ground, tighten ankles, tighten calf muscles, tighten thighs, now exhale suck the abdomen, inhale and expand chest. Eyes closed, face smiling.
  • Inhale – Spread the right leg 3 to 3 ½ feet apart
  • Exhale- Turn the right feet 90 degree and left feet 45degree
  • Inhale-Raise both hands upto shoulder level parallel to the floor
  • Exhale- bend the right knee to 90 degree gaze the right palm- hold on to the posture with a normal breathing upto the count of 10.
  • Inhale-straighten the leg
  • Exhale-release both hands
  • Inhale-turn the legs
  • Exhale- come to tadasana and relax in sitila tadasana

Benefits and Limitations of the asana

Standard Benefits: Physical Level:

Strengthen legs, calf muscles, knees, thighs, shoulders, strengthen spine and spinal columns,  activate function of abdominal organs

Standard Benefits: Mental Level:

Improves will power, confidence, concentration, intelligence, memory power etc.,

Specific benefits

Expands thorax, improves functioning of pancreas, Prevents back pain, stimulates the intestinal peristalsis (process of wave like muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food along), strengthens thigh muscles

Standard Limitations

People with recent surgeries, knee joint pain and females during cycles and pregnancy should avoid this yogasana.