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Faculty Development Programs – Disha Bharat :: Value Based Initiatives: Holistic Approach to Education

Faculty Development Programs

(Journey Teacher to Guru)

 Through the ages, Guru has played a significant role in the Indian society. The exemplary lives led by Gurus in ancient times, have inspired many to lead extraordinary lives and in making the most remarkable contributions for the betterment of humanity. The role of teachers in safeguarding personal and social values cannot be undermined. In the modern context, it has become imperative for a teacher to elevate to the role of a Guru as she/he is looked upon as a role model, who carries the great responsibility of moulding young lives.

Prerana meaning Inspiration is the name given to Faculty Development Program (FDP) organized by Disha Bharat for the teaching faculty. As the name suggests, the workshop focuses on inspiring teachers to embark on a journey from being just transmitters of information (teachers) to becoming torch bearers of knowledge and wisdom (Gurus).


  • To enhance pride and passion towards the profession
  • To enable teachers play multiple roles effectively

Learning Outcomes

  • Distinguish between the role of a teacher and that of the guru
  • Engage in research and life-long learning
  • Implement innovative pedagogies towards shaping the future of the youth
  • Demonstrate qualities of a role model teacher

Topics Covered: • Inquire – Role and Responsibility of Teacher

  • Integrate – Values and Skills in Teaching
  • Innovate – Pedagogies for effective Teaching
  • Ignite – Teachers as nation-builders
  • Inspire – To embark on a journey within

 Methodologies Adopted

  • Group Discussions
  • Self-Assessment tools
  • Case Analysis
  • Activities and Deliberations
  • Quiz and games
  • Panel discussions & talks by experts