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Open Electives/Credit Courses – Disha Bharat :: Value Based Initiatives: Holistic Approach to Education

Open Electives/Credit Courses

The need for providing in-depth understanding of Indian Knowledge Systems among youth was felt by academicians and educationists as a value addition to domain knowledge. NEP 2020 wants to instil among the learners a deep-rooted pride in being Indian, not only in thought, but also in spirit, intellect, and deeds, as well as to develop knowledge, skills, values, and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights, sustainable development and living, and global well-being, thereby reflecting a truly global citizen. Disha Bharat is partnering with colleges to offer open electives in Indian Knowledge Systems so as to promote sustainable human development. Disha Bharat is currently offering two open electives viz. Value Education and Indian Culture and Heritage.


  • To provide an overview of relevance of ancient wisdom in modern times
  • To provide direction for sustainable human development

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the significance of Indian Culture and Heritage
  • Illustrate the contribution of India in various field
  • Compare the richness of Indian culture vis-à-vis other cultures
  • Demonstrate resilience and adaptability in real life situations
  • Initiate proactive measures to bring about positive social change

Topics Covered: Indian Culture and Heritage

  • Art and Dance Forms
  • Architecture
  • Textiles, Handlooms and Crafts
  • Fairs and Festivals
  • Vedic Literature and epics
  • Philosophical systems

Topics Covered: Value Education

  • Personal Values
  • Family Values
  • Professional Values • Social Values • National Values • Environmental Values • Spiritual Values