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Support Us – Disha Bharat :: Value Based Initiatives: Holistic Approach to Education

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मन – Support us by giving your creative ideas

Disha Bharat is always looking out for creative new ideas. Connect with us if you have an idea which can make a difference to the stakeholders of education.

धन– Support us by your generous financial donations

With your generous contributions, Disha Bharat can reach all parts of Bharat and contribute in providing value education to all.

To donate:

Bank Name: State Bank of India
Account No: 33835614532
IFSC: SBIN0007080
Branch: Malleswaram, Bengaluru
Account Type: SAVINGS
80G Regn No: CIT(E)BLR/80G/S-06/AACTD1165D/ITO(E)-1/VOL 2017-18

Receipts will be provided for all donations.

After donating, please send an email to info@dishabharat.org with following details:

  • Complete Name, Phone Number and email address
  • Postal address to which the receipts are to be mailed to
  • Amount Donated
  • PAN if donation is greater than Rs.9,999