Online – Students Development Workshop

Unleash the hidden potential in you!

Need for a Students Workshop:

The pandemic COVID-19 has caught the entire world unaware and unprepared setting a ‘new normal world’ universally. Now more than ever, it is imperative to keep the student community motivated and energized.

As the colleges are striving hard to cope up with the academics through online classes and remote support, Disha has recognized the importance of emotional and mental wellbeing of the students and their readiness to adapt to the change.

So, Disha proposes a 2-hour Online Students Program with the following objectives.


  • To unleash the inner potential by building self-confidence
  • To make use of the student life for the benefit of the self and society
  • To instil the importance of adapting and embracing the changes
  • To lead a purposeful life on the strong foundation of values

Highlights of the Workshop: 

  • Interaction
  • Videos
  • Stories and Anecdotes
  •  Activities and Games
  • Experience Sharing